
This sector was established in 1996 in order to provide services to employees and members in all financial institutions such as Banks and Bureau De Change, Social Security Schemes, Tanzania Revenue Authority, Insurance Companies and Micro-Finance Institutions. Such services include negotiation for better Collective bargaining Agreements (CBAs), better working conditions, working hours and better employment contracts.


1. Participating in workers' councils

2. Organizing and recruiting new members

3. Participating in various meetings with stakeholders

4. Representing members in labor disputes at all stages

5. Concluding Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) with employerrs

6. Participating in various meetings with stakeholderrs

7. Educating Workers and Members in Particular on Worker's Rights, Labour laws and Negiation Skills

8. Networking with Gloabal Union Federations (GUFs)

9. Lobying and advocacy for Policies and Labour laws with interest to the workers

TUICO Head of Financial Sector, Willy Kibona (Left) and CRDB Bank CEO, Mr. Charles Kimei (Centre) signing a Collective Bargaining Agreement between TUICO and CRDB, in Dar es salaam