
    Finance and Administration Department deals with Finance, Human resource and administration affairs of the Union staff.


    The Department of Finance and Administration deals with the following Functions;

    1. To ensure Union income is timely collected and properly recorded in the books of accounts.

    2. To manage funds and donations from other sources and ensure it is properly recorded.

    3. To facilitate control of union expenditure.

    3. To procure, manage and maintain all properties of the Union such as cars, buildings, and Office machines.

    4. Designing and planning human rresources needs and use of personnel

    5. Management of all staff discipline

    6. Evaluation of staff performance

    7. Addressing issues of servants such as employment, staff promotion, staff training and loans

    8. To oversee the law, rules and regulations and work guidelines in accordance with the time

    9. Prepare and adjust schemes of service for the union, address issue of motivation for workers

    10. Other administrative issues that arise at work